Python Tokens
Tokens or Lexical unit are the smallest buidling blocks of a program. Tokens are the equivalent of alphabets , grammer and tenses of a English language. Python has the following tokens:- Keywords Identifiers(Names) Literals Operators Punctuators a. Keywords - are the reserved words that has a special meaning and should be used only where its meant to be. Example:- False, True, for, while, None, break, if, elif, else b. Identifiers(Names) - The names given to different parts of the program like variables, function, objects, classes etc. eg:- a = 2, add(), here a and add are identifier names Rules for framing identifier names. Identifier name should be a combination of letters(a-z, A-Z) and digits(0-9). eg:- Valid names - abc123, abc, xy_123, xy_ Invalid names - abc#12, age$ First character must be a letter or underscore. eg:- Valid names- _123, a_123 Invalid names - 1abc Upper and lower case are different. eg:- ABC and abc are both different i...